About Ron
The term renaissance can be best described as a period in history filled with the revival of art,
literature, philosophy, theology, and music. Connected to an individual, it has a similar meaning
to describe someone diversely gifted in these same areas. More specifically regarding Ron
Arden, the term brings clarity and definition to an artist with excellence in the following…….
Teaching – Performing – Conducting – Consulting – Ministry
These five elements move sometimes separately and sometimes together in various combinations
with rich benefits. Looking at the web sites and examples here, you will find a level of creativity
and excellence that at once reflects four decades of Ron Arden’s experience and learning. From
the concert stage to the cocktail lounge he has performed, taught, and conducted music of many
styles. His expertise in the areas of worship, classical music, musical theater, and American
“pop” is of the highest caliber.
Leading choirs, conducting orchestras, planning event music, discussing church worship
practices, working in the studio with private students, and performing as both vocalist and
violist, Ron reflects the power of a present day renaissance. At the core of this renaissance is a
passion and mastery to serve listeners, clients, and students for the growth and development of
cultural beauty.
Ron Arden – Artistic Director, resides in Zion and serves as conductor and contractor for LCSO. His vision for the arts is well known in Zion and surrounding communities as he has built diverse programs attracting hundreds of loyal listeners. Ron is a professional violist/singer/actor/conductor and for over 20 years has specialized in worship consultation and practices.
He and his wife have toured the country for over 25 years and have three recordings from their concert ministry A Cross Between. They have two children, Nikolas and Ivan and reside in Zion, Illinois where Ron spent five years as Minister of Music, Worship, and Drama at Christ Community Church.
Ron is sought as a musical director and works as a consultant on the arts in worship. Enjoying a diversity of performing and conducting experience, his reputation for instilling excellence and artistry into musicians is his deepest passion. From classical to Broadway, barbershop to gospel, Ron comfortably communicates the beauty of great music.